
Monday, March 10, 2025

Masks on Canvas May 8th and 15th


Thursdays May 8th and 15th 1-4 pm

This in-person class is given by artists/teachers Robina Nicol and Cynthia Louden. It's held on Cynthia's garden patio in San Antonio Tlayacapan and is limited to 6 students.

Cynthia and Robina are both experienced at incorporating masks into their Mixed Media art. All materials you will need come in your student goody bag, including masks, paints, brushes and more.

The workshop includes two 3 hour classes and supplies. You are not going to want to miss this one. It's going to be lots of fun, uplifting, will jumpstart your creativity and we always laugh a lot. Plus you will make new friends. No experience necessary. 

1200 pesos total for the two classes   


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Tree of Life Mixed Media Workshop

In-Person Workshop

Thursdays April 3rd and 10th 1-4


Tree of Life art has existed, around the world, for centuries. Pottery Tree of Life is an important folk art in Mexico.

In this workshop you will create your personal Tree of Life on canvas. You will examine your own personal symbolism to include on your tree. You will create a meaningful mixed media piece for you or for someone else. 

This workshop is taught by two artists - me and Robina Nicol, local artist and abstract art teacher.

The workshop is two Thursdays from 1-4, on my patio garden in San Antonio Tlayacapan.  Class size is limited to 6 students and includes a goody bag with all the art supplies you will need.

It's going to be fun and you will learn a lot. Sign up soon as the class will be small.

1200 pesos for two 3 hour classes and art materials  


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Collage For Mixed Media, Thursdays April 24th and May 1st


In Person Workshop
San Antonio Tlayacapan

I began making collages my freshman year in college... a very very long time ago. After working as a professional photographer for 30 years and then at Apple as a Creative Trainer, I moved to Mexico. I have been in Mexico for nearly 8 years and in that time took painting classes. Eventually I found my voice with Mixed Media. A large part of my pieces are a combination of painting and collage.

Would you like to learn how I use Collage in Mixed Media and how I make my own Collage papers?

I am giving another in person two day workshop on Thursdays Thursdays April 24th and May, 1:00pm - 4:00pm. All materials are provided, including canvases, paint, collage papers, glue, scissors. Wait until you see the students' goody bag!

CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED TO 6.  Ask a friend. It's going to be fun. These classes fill up so sign up soon.

Class 1
* Introduction
* Mixed Media vs Multi Media
* Inspiration from Collage Artists
* Starting - Color Palettes and Backgrounds
* Collage Materials
* Not Just Paper
* Using Parts of Others' Work - What is Fair Use
* Collage Elements and Composition
* Gluing It Down
* In Class Work
* Homework

Class 2
* Making Your Own Collage Papers
* How To Redo Papers You Bought and Don't Like
* Turning Photos Into Line Drawings
* Adding Words
* My Favorite App
* In Class Work
* The Last Step

Thursdays April 24th and May 1st 1-4

1200 Mexican Pesos for two afternoons and materials   



In Person Workshop
San Antonio Tlayacapan

Thursdays March 20th and 27th, 1-4 pm


Boy are you going to love this workshop. Gelli Printing is all the rage and a two day workshop for it is coming to Lake Chapala.

Gelli Printing is a great way to make one of a kind art prints and collage papers. You will immediately find yourself addicted to this art technique. It is so much fun.

As always the workshop will include a fabulous goody bag which will include a gelli plate, a brayer, acrylic paints and lots more.

Class size is now limited to only 6